Hearts in Action

A community united for labor health
Hearts in Action is a health project in collaboration with the Arizona Community Health Workers
Association (AzCHOW) and the Northern Arizona University, Center for Health Equity Research (NAU-
The overall objective is to evaluate a brief intervention with community health workers to learn how
work affects the health of Hispanic/Latino essential workers.
Our goal is to learn about the needs of workers in Arizona, their experiences at work, and how to
support health, especially heart health and mental well-being.
We are focused on supporting workers whose jobs are considered essential and at high risk of work-
related stress. For example, hotel (housekeepers) and restaurant workers, agricultural or farmworkers,
and home health aides (caregivers).
Through Hearts in Action, we hope workers gain new tools and learn ways to take care of themselves
and make their workplace more healthy.
Legal Trainings
Legal Trainings

Earned Paid Sick Time

Minimum Wage