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CHW Integration

What is a CHW?

Image by Hannah Busing

CHW Integration

 If your organization is interested in integrating CHWs, please review the following checklist provided by the CDC to evaluate your organizational readiness and to identify the next steps for your organization. 



Read more about some of the obstacles, successes, and challenges of CHW integration by reading through some of the articles and studies listed below: 


Image by Chang Duong

Evidence for the Effectiveness of CHWs

If you are interested in learning about why your organization should integrate CHWs, review the studies below that highlight the effectiveness of CHW integration in improving health outcomes.


Image by Austin Schmid

Searching for Funding Opportunities

What is a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)?


  • An official solicitation for acquisition awards (contracts) that tells you what the Agency requires for a specific project or activity and how it will evaluate bids. All RFPs are posted on


What is a Request for Proposal (RFP)?


  • An official solicitation for assistance awards (grants and cooperative agreements). All NOFOs are posted on


If you are interested in learning how to utilize grant sites and how to search for grants and funding opportunities, please use the following quick guide:


Image by Steve & Barb Sande

Grant Sites

If you are interested in searching for grants/funding opportunities, please use the links below.


Image by KOBU Agency

Share Your Experience with Us!

If your organization has submitted an application for funding recently, please fill out the survey below to share your experience as to what worked and what didn't. Stories will be featured on the AzHIP website for others in our communities to learn from. 


Image by Kelly Sikkema

If you would like more information or have suggestions on what to add to our toolkit, please contact

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